
The Sydney Automobile Club is a motoring enthusiasts social club. It was created to bring like minded individuals and families together who share a common interest in great automobiles shared in good company.

You may or may not be aware that the idea of establishing the Sydney Automobile Club was generated out of the wildly popular monthly Cavallino Cars and Coffee gatherings at northern Sydney restaurant, Cavallino.

Out of those soirees, some lively ideas were generated among a group of passionate people who value splendid automobiles, great food, excellent company and conversation…lubricated with first-class coffee and wine. And, in early 2014, the Sydney Automobile Club was born.

The Sydney Automobile Club’s mission is to convivially bring together owners of exotics, European, classic, vintage, muscle and hot rods for Cars and Coffee, Formula 1 nights, tech and talk nights, regular gelato and coffee runs, exclusive track days, weekends away, and other more social occasions.

The Sydney Automobile Club also offers advantages to owners of registered historic vehicles, who under the terms of conditional use can drive their cars to authorised club events.

The Sydney Automobile Club applies an invitation-only membership policy in order to maintain high standards of conduct among the membership.

Become a member